Register account

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Registration link:

Fill in the account name, email address, obtain the verification code, enter the password, and click the register button.

Create New business center

  1. Select a business center type:

Super (can create advertiser accounts, have financial authority) Registering with this type of business center requires contacting TaurusX BD.

Regular (cannot create an advertiser account, have no financial authority, usually the agency will place the advertisement and share the advertiser account with the corresponding advertiser for data viewing). To register for this type of business center, you only need to click the "Create New Business Center" button.

  1. If you are going to register Regular Business Center, click the Add New Business Center button. Enter the name of the business center and upload the avatar. If you do not upload it, use the default avatar and click Next.
  1. If you are going to register Super Business Center, you need to go to the next step to fill in the information of the business center. After clicking Create, it will be transferred to review state. Business centers that are pending review can only see the setting menu, and all menus can be viewed after the review is passed.