Creative information

You need to use Token, for more details, please check token

Request address

Request method


Request parameters

FieldRequiredField typeDefault valueField description
campaign_idsOptionalstring-Campaign ID. Separate with commas for multiple IDs.
adgroup_idsOptionalstring-Adgroup ID. Separate with commas for multiple IDs.
creative_idsOptionalstring-Creative ID. Separate with commas for multiple IDs.
pageRequiredint1The current page number of the request, an integer greater than or equal to 1
page_sizeRequiredint50The number of requests each time, up to 100


When you need to return results in batches, you can include the batch-id field in the request header. The format is a timestamp or MD5 string or other unique string.

Response results

NameParent nodeTypeDescription
codeint200 means success, others mean failure
datajsonResult list
campaign_namedata_liststringCampaign name
campaign_iddata_liststringCampaign ID
adgroup_namedata_liststringAdgroup name
adgroup_iddata_liststringAdgroup ID
creative_namedata_liststringCreative name
creative_iddata_liststringCreative ID
ad_typedata_liststringCreative type:video,image
infodata_listjsonCreative infomation
typeinfostringCreative type,image|video
winfointCreative width
hinfointCreative height
bit_rateinfonumberVideo bitrate, in bits per second. This field is present in video materials.
durationinfonumberVideo duration, in seconds. This field is present in video materials.
companiondata_listjsonCompanion Advertising information
typecompanionstringCreative type,image
wcompanionintCreative width
hcompanionintCreative height

Response example

    "code": 200,
    "data": {
        "data_list": [
                "campaign_id": 138,
                "campaign_name": "name",
              	"adgroup_id": 138,
                "adgroup_name": "name",
                "creative_id": 138,
                "creative_name": "E-commerce promotion",
                "ad_type": "video",
                "info": {
                    "type": "video",
                    "bit_rate": 1521.651,
                    "duration": 29.68,
                    "w": 1280,
                    "h": 720
                "companion": {
                    "type": "image",
                    "w": 704,
                    "h": 396
        "total": 1
    "msg": "ok"
    "code": 200,
    "data": {
        "data_list": [
                "campaign_id": 138,
                "campaign_name": "name",
              	"adgroup_id": 138,
                "adgroup_name": "name",
                "creative_id": 138,
                "creative_name": "E-commerce promotion",
                "ad_type": "video",
                "info": {
                    "type": "video",
                    "bit_rate": 1521.651,
                    "duration": 29.68,
                    "w": 1280,
                    "h": 720
                "companion": {
                    "type": "image",
                    "w": 704,
                    "h": 396
        "total": 1
    "msg": "ok"